Rose Ariadne's Magickal "Thanks And Giving" Ritual

STEP 1: Think of someone you know who has been a little down lately. Somebody who's not happy, or is in "need" of something.

STEP 2: Think about a simple gift you can give them that is inexpensive, comes from the heart, and will bring a smile to their face.

STEP 3: Give the gift to them on either Tuesday OR Wednesday of next week. When you give it to them, it's important for you to feel "good"... and to feel the gratitude they send your way.

STEP 4: On Thursday, before you begin to eat dinner, sit for 5 minutes with your eyes closed in front of your favorite altar setup.

Think about everything in your life that you think you are thankful for.

Think about what your life would be like without those things. Feel the loss that would come to your life.

Then... before you get too emotional, think about how HAPPY you are that all you have is in your life...the people, your home, your friends...and everything you hold dear.

STEP 5: Enjoy the feast...surround yourself with as many friends and family members as you can, and let yourself go and enjoy.

STEP 6: On Friday, remove the "nine of cups card" from any tarot deck that illustrates the minor aracana.

STEP 7: Place the card upright between a gold and silver candle on your altar.

STEP 8: Light the candles; gaze at the card and clearly, distinctly, articulate what it is you truly want in your life.

It could be anything you desire...

STEP 9: When the candles burn down, place the card under your pillow that night... and envision your wish coming true as you drift off to sleep.

...and you'll be pleasantly surprised by what happens next... ;)


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